Dua’s Monthly Read for March 2025
“Tommy Orange starts with a brief but sharp history lesson in the prologue of There There, dispelling 400 years of slurs and stereotypes against Native people in 10 fiery pages – almost too painful to bear, but essential to start his story.
“If you are expecting beads and fry bread, you’ve come to the wrong book. Orange’s characters – 12 ‘Urban Indians’ living modern lives in American cities – are single parents, filmmakers, recovering addicts, survivors of sexual violence and kids searching for meaning. In short: life in all its complexity.
“The connections between the cast reveal themselves bit by bit as events spiral towards a violent and horrific crescendo in the Big Oakland Powwow, an occasion that holds a desperate significance for each of them. Among the tragedy that is foreshadowed throughout, there is also redemption and humanity. It’s a stunning book.” – Dua Lipa
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